Looking for a Private field rental?

Where to Start?

The Photographers Access Pass is available Thursday to Sunday from 9am to 7pm. Please keep in mind our Fun Farm Yard and fields are open for general admission. If you’re looking for a quieter experience, please consider booking a weekday.

If you're looking for a private rental please inquire

Clients / Families

Families coming for a photo shoot, are required to pay admission for entry. (this changes seasonally, so please be aware when booking your dates) Families are permitted to stay after the photo session is complete.


The Photographers Access Pass is $150 +hst per day. This covers the photographers admission to the farm however, it doesn’t include any clients admission fees. Once booked, the fee is non-refundable can be transferable with at least 24-hours notice. 


Our full policy & contract will be sent upon the purchase of an access pass. if you have any questions please email

Looking for a Private field rental?